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  • Handy reference sheets of important tax and financial planning annual limits and figures
  • A concise summary of Roth IRA withdrawal rules
  • An easy to read summary of the Modified Adjusted Gross Income ("MAGI") measures commonly used in retirement planning
  • A comprehensive tax return preparation and data gathering checklist
  • A summary of how to calculate Required Minimum Distributions ("RMDs") from your own retirement accounts and certain inherited retirement accounts
  • Over a hundred flowcharts and checklists that help walk through decision making on important topics such as IRAs & Roth IRAs, Social Security, investments, Medicare, employer retirement plans and pensions, estates & inheritance, charitable giving, insurance, life events and much more! 

DISCLAIMER: Retirement Planning Education and www.RetirementPlanningEducation.com is a collection of content created and/or curated by Andy Panko EMC LLC. Andy Panko EMC LLC and Tenon Financial LLC have common ownership. There is otherwise no affiliation between Andy Panko EMC LLC and Tenon Financial LLC.

No content created or shared by Retirement Planning Education or Andy Panko EMC LLC shall be construed as advice or specific recommendations from Tenon Financial LLC. All of the content is purely general and educational in nature and is to be used at your own discretion and risk. Additionally, Tenon Financial LLC shall not be responsible for any inaccurate information created or shared by Retirement Planning Education or Andy Panko EMC LLC.