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Hear more about Andy's woodworking hobby in the Unexpected Hobbies of Financial Advisors podcast episode:

Ep 8 - Andy Panko - Woodworking

Read Andy's thoughts on why many people unknowingly have their IRAs sitting in cash and not invested in the MarketWatch article:

If your IRA is stuck in cash, it's not really your fault - but you need to fix it

Read Andy's insights into unlocking and using home equity in retirement in NerdWallet's article:

House-Rich, Cash-Strapped: Advice for Older Homeowners

Read Andy's thoughts about the pros, cons and potential use cases of Multi-Year Guaranteed Annuities ("MYGAs") in the PolicyGenius article:

Multi-year guaranteed annuities: what they are, how they work

Hear Andy's insight as to what planning actions can be done for those who are late staters in their retirement planning in the Catching Up to FI podcast, episode:

Retirement Planning Tips | Andy Panko

Listen to Andy discuss seven myths about Indexed Universal Life ("IUL") insurance in the Retire With Ryan podcast, episode:

Dispelling 7 Myths About Indexed Universal Life Insurance with Andy Panko    

Hear Andy discuss how states tax retirement income, the potential of future tax rates, how Social Security is taxed, how to put together a distribution plan and MORE in The Hawaii Retirement show podcast, episode:

Talking Taxes in Retirement with Andy Panko CFP®

Listen to Andy's thoughts on why the flat fee model typically makes more sense the the percent of assets model, and why it's important to challenge those who make false or misleading sales pitches in the For Advisors By Advisors podcast, episode:

Interview with Andy Panko, CFP®, RICP®, EA, Practitioner and Educator of Tax-Efficient Retirement Planning & Investment Management - Should Financial Advisors Use the Flat Fee Approach? One Expert Weighs In!

Read Andy's thoughts on why Indexed Universal Life ("IUL") insurance isn't the right fit for most folks, even though many who sell it will try to convince you otherwise, in the article:

Indexed Universal Life insurance may be the right choice for some people - but probably not you

Listen to Andy discuss the ins and outs of Indexed Universal Life ("IUL") insurance, how it works, when to consider it (or not), why many sales pitches about it are false and MORE, in The Optometry Money Podcast, episode:

Separating Fact from Fiction of Indexed Universal Life Insurance with Andy Panko

Hear Andy talk about why the flat fee model is often the most mutually fair and logical fee model for providing financial planning and investment management in The Smarter Planner Podcast, episode:

Navigating the Flat Fee Revolution with Andy Panko

Listen to Andy's thoughts on why the flat fee advisory model makes sense, what to know about Indexed Universal Life ("IUL") insurance, and how to consider client complexity in structuring a fee for advisory services in the Only Fee-Only podcast, episode:

Flat Fee Planning, IULs and Basing a Fee on Complexity with Andy Panko

Hear Andy discuss what to look out for and how to discern fact from fiction when coming across a sales pitch for Indexed Universal Life ("IUL") insurance in the Big Picture Retirement podcast, episode:

Unmasking the IUL Sales Pitch with Andy Panko

Read Andy's views on why he's skeptical about using Indexed Universal Life ("IUL") insurance policies as a retirement income tool in the article:

Are IUL Insurance Policies Good Retirement Income Tools?

Listen to Andy's thoughts on how and when to do tax loss and tax gain harvesting in the Big Picture Retirement podcast, episode:

Managing Tax Loss (AND GAIN) Harvesting with Andy Panko

Listen to learn more of Andy's background, why he started Tenon Financial and what his thoughts are in using annuities as a part of retirement planning in the That Annuity Show podcast, episode:

How I Built This Practice with Facebook with Andy Panko

Read how Andy's Facebook group, Taxes in Retirement, is one of three online personal finance communities to join in the article:

3 Online Personal Finance Communities You Should Join

Listen to the story of why Andy left the corporate banking and investment world to start his retirement planning & investment management firm, in the XYPN Radio podcast episode:

Changing Careers & Building an Ideal Firm in 2 Years: A Conversation with Andy Panko

Listen to how and why Andy started and grew Tenon Financial in the Michael Kitces podcast, Financial Advisor Success, episode:

From $0 To $70M In 2 Years By Leveraging Facebook Groups To Share Authentic Expertise, With Andy Panko

Read why it's disingenuous for advisors to pretend they can measure the amount of value they deliver in:

How Much Are Your Services Worth?


Read Andy's insight as to why the percent of assets under management fee structure is broken in:

Advisor Fees Are Broken

Read Andy's comments on why a flat fee for financial advisory services is more logical and mutually fair than charging a percent of assets under management in:

Flat Fees Gain Traction Among Advisors Critical of Asset-Based Pricing

See and hear Andy's comments on why he started and structured his flat-fee financial advisory firm in Stan the Annuity Man's podcast, Fun With Annuities, episode:

Andy Panko: Financial Planning Demystified and Unemotional

Read Andy's views on why it's a nearly impossible task to try to put a value on Roth conversions in:

Why Trying to Quantify the Value of Roth Conversions is Futile

Read more about the flat-fee model and Andy's rationale for why it's often the most logical and fair fee model in:

The Price Advisors Will Pay for Ignoring Flat Fees

See and hear Andy's views on why a flat annual fee is often a better fee model - for advisors and clients alike - when providing financial planning and investment management, in Sara Grillo's podcast:

Flat Fee Financial Advisors

Read Andy's thoughts on why misleading insurance sales tactics are a disservice to consumers and the industry alike in:

Let's Get Real About Life Insurance

Hear Andy's values, beliefs and reasons behind starting Tenon Financial, and why the company is so dramatically different than other financial advisory businesses in Mike Garrison's podcast, the Values Based Mindset Experience:

"Season 2 - Episode 7 with Andy Panko, Owner & Partner Tenon Financial"

Read Andy's insights on why the label "financial advisor" is confusing, potentially misleading and often misused in:

"Are You Really a Financial Advisor?"

Listen to Andy's views on why tax planning is a critical part of retirement planning in Steven Jarvis's podcast, Retirement Tax Services:

"Why Advisors Should Take on Taxes"

Read Andy's opinions on why charging for advisory services as a percentage of assets is unfair and illogical in:

"Why the Asset-Based Fee Model Has To Go"

Read Andy's thoughts on why it's too early to take any action on Biden's proposed tax plan in:

"Too Early to Tweak Portfolios for Capital Gains Tax Changes"

Read Andy's views on why a flat annual fee is a more logical and fair method of charging for financial advisory services compared to commissioned product sales or charging as a percentage of assets:

"A Glimpse into the Flat-Fee Model"

Listen to Andy's responses to listener questions on Roger Whitney's podcast, The Retirement Answer Man:

 "Asset Allocation Ingredients: What is an Exchange Traded Fund (ETF)?"

Read Andy's reasons for obtaining the IRS "Enrolled Agent" designation in:

"Eager to Advance Their Tax Knowledge, Advisors Take Three IRS Exams"

Read Andy's thoughts on New Jersey's recently approved "millionaires' tax" in:

"New Jersey's millionaires' tax could drive rich clients to relocate"

Listen to Andy's interview discussing taxes and retirement planning on Benjamin Brandt's podcast, Retirement Starts Today Radio:

"Taxes in Retirement with Andy Panko"

Read Andy's views on the pros and cons of annuities in:

"Annuities Offer Retirees Peace of Mind in Choppy Markets. But They Come at a Cost"

Read Andy's recommendations on how and why to streamline your finances in retirement in the following article:

"7 Ways to Streamline Your Finances"

Read Andy's comments on steps to take to help financially survive a job loss in:

"3 Key Budget Moves for Surviving a Job Loss, According to Financial Planners"

Read Andy's thoughts on opening a bank account to take advantage of a promotional cash bonus in:

"9 Banks That Offer Bonuses for Opening an Account"

Read Andy's input on some of the personal finance steps you could be taking during the Coronavirus pandemic in:

"5 Ways to Use Your Money to Build Wealth and Help Others While the Coronavirus Disrupts Normal Life"

Read Andy's comments about some of the downsides of fractional real estate ownership in:

"The Drawbacks of Fractional Real Estate Investments"

Read Andy's views on how most retirees should address the decreased value of their investments in stocks in the following article:

"Dear Penny: I Just Retired.  What Does Coronavirus Mean for My Savings?"

Read Andy's thoughts on the current opportunities in the stock market due to the sell-off driven by the COVID-19 pandemic in:

"Advisers Get Bullish in a Bear Market"

Read Andy's input on important retirement planning considerations and dates in the following:

"6 Important Dates You Should Be Ready for When Planning for Retirement"

Read Andy's comments on the potential impacts of the government's proposed payroll tax cut in the following article:

"Trump's Proposed Payroll Tax Holiday Could Hurt the Economy More Than It Helps"

Read Andy's views on what retirees should and shouldn't do as a result of the Coronavirus-driven market volatility in:

"How to Protect Retirement Savings as Stocks Plunge on Coronavirus Fears"

Read Andy's thoughts on the new IRS Form 1040-SR in the following article:

"A New Tax Form for Seniors: A Guide to the 1040-SR"

Read Andy's recommendation on what retirement planning podcast to listen to in:

"7 Books, Podcasts and Apps Financial Planners Always Recommend to Their Clients"

Read Andy's views on the recent increase to the Required Minimum Distribution ("RMD") beginning age in:

"Advisers Want Age to Continue to Climb for Mandatory Retirement Savings Withdrawals"

Read Andy's insight on the differences between the various labels and types of financial professionals in:

"Certified Financial Planner vs. Financial Planner: What's the Difference?"

Read Andy's comments on the process of applying for Social Security benefits in the following article:

"How to Apply for Social Security"

Read Andy's input on using Vanguard funds for retirement investing in:

"7 Best Vanguard Funds for Retirement"

Read Andy's comments on backdoor Roth IRAs in the following article:

"What is a Backdoor Roth IRA"

Read Andy's self-published LinkedIn article regarding:

"What Individuals Need to Know About the SECURE Act"

Read Andy's remarks on common tax return mistakes to avoid in the following article:

"7 Common Tax Mistakes That Can Cost You Big"

Read Andy's comments on the pros and cons of financing with debt vs equity. The article is geared toward small business owners and is not directly related to retirement planning. But Andy's experience in corporate finance and as an adjunct professor of corporate finance was able to provide insight to the article: 

"The Difference Between Debt and Equity Financing"

Read Andy's comments on the recently passed SECURE Act, which is the largest change to retirement plan rules since 2006, in this article:

"7 Good, Bad and Controversial Ways the SECURE Act Changes Your Personal IRA"

Read Andy's views on the dangers of using retirement savings to pay off student loans in the following article:

"The Unexpected Dangers of Paying off Student Loans With Your 401(k) Savings"

Read Andy's comments on financial tips for single persons nearing retirement in the following article:

"10 Money-Saving Tips for Anyone Getting Ready to Retire Single"

Read Andy's self-published LinkedIn article on how to answer the question:

"How Much Money Do You Need to Retire?"

Read Andy's comments on IRA contribution, deduction and withdrawal rules in the following article:

"IRA Rules: Contributions, Deductions and Withdrawals"

Read Andy's remarks on retirement target-date mutual funds in the following article:

"6 Top T. Rowe Price Funds for Retirement"

Read Andy's comments on the inter-relatedness of the Social Security and Medicare systems in the following article:

"How Social Security and Medicare Work Together"

Read Andy's views on holding alternative investments inside an IRA in the following article:

"Should You Consider Alternative Assets in an IRA? 5 Financial Professional Weigh In"

Listen to Andy's interview discussing what's unique about Tenon Financial in the following podcast:

"Best Possible Retirement with Andy Panko"